Jun 2011 29

Things to Consider Before Buying a Pet for Your Home

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Remember Your Pets This Holiday Season by Sids1
Remember Your Pets This Holiday
Season by Steve

“Daddy, I want a dog, a cat, a duck, a hamster, a goose, a bird…” Sound familiar? There comes a time in the life of every child (or even an adult) when you hear this sentence. All kinds of animals — just name it. Naturally, dogs and cats are at the top of the pet kingdom. These faithful friends or independent and charismatic roommates have been companions to people for a long time. What are some things we should think about when choosing a pet? Here are at least some of the many considerations.

Think It Through

Getting a pet is a great joy, but a great responsibility as well — as everyone knows. But what does this responsibility really amount to? You should consider the financial burden; can you afford a pet? What kind of pet can you afford? For example, an average dog costs about $1000 a year. Another well known phrase you hear from a pet owner to-be is: “I’ll spend all my time with my pet.” Often, though, it turns out not to be true. Carefully consider whether you’ll have time for your pet. Again, the time commitment varies according to the kind of pet you choose. You should also consider the option of adopting a pet. This way, you can help take care of an unwanted pet by offering him a new home. You don’t even need to do the research personally. There are many international and Vancouver-based adoption sites, such as that of the BC SPCA Vancouver Shelter, where you can find your long-awaited friend.

Training and Pet-proofing the House

Photo by pmarkham Photo by Pete Markham

Let’s face it: dog or cat, big or small, fast or slow — there are thousands of things your pet can do that will challenge your sanity. You just have to love your pet. The amount of exercise and attention your pet needs and the amount of things your pet is able to break before you even realize you have to watch out for it are unbelievable. You should consider many things, like using childproof latches, chemicals and medications or moving the plants and your shoes, et cetera. It’s also good to think about what to do when you leave your beloved alone in the house, which you’ll need to do eventually! You might run out of neighbours to watch your puppy, get an urgent call from work, or have not a single family member available — these are possible scenarios. Cut your pet off from the parts of the house you don’t want him to go to, check the lids on bins, and check if anything breakable or edible is within his reach.

Another important part of being a pet owner is house-training. This includes preparing one place for sleeping and one for going to the bathroom. Again, the type and size of the spaces required depends on the type of pet you’re going to get. It’s crucial for a pet to develop a habit of using both of them and feeling comfortable — especially in his bed. The most “trainable animal is the dog.” If you’re not confident that you can train your dog yourself, you can always ask for a professional help. There are a number of places in Vancouver where you can do so.

What do you think? Do you want to become a pet owner?

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