Author Archives: Jay Banks

Top Nine Technology Trends For Your Vancouver Home in 2013

New technology significantly affects the way we live, making our daily routines easier, quicker, and sometimes even more entertaining. All the innovations and gadgets we use in our homes have given the word “comfort” a completely new meaning. More and more home features and appliances are becoming automated, providing convenience, energy efficiency, and security.

Top April Events in Vancouver

Winter is finally over, and the first month of spring is just few days away. What could be better than celebrating the warm days to come outside with our family and friends? Not sure where to go? Check out our list of top must-attend events in April and you will surely find some inspiration.

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival

Finally, spring is oficially here! As the the rainy season fades, Vancouver packs away its coat and takes its turn in the spotlight thanks to 55 varieties of cherry blossom trees, creating a wonderful sea of pink and white. Like they do every spring, the pink blossoms suddenly emerge, and for a brief moment Vancouverites pause and marvel at the yearly renewal of nature.

Living Fences in Vancouver

A living fence is an aesthetic and ecological solution for marking the boundaries of your property as well as providing privacy and discouraging trespassers. It creates a physical and visual barrier, provides shade, and shields you from the wind. Ordinary fences are expensive and require maintenance or need to be replaced quickly.

Top Whiskey Bars in Vancouver

Vancouver has had a long-lasting relationship with whisky. It has been shipped up and down the Fraser River since the early 19th century. Thanks to the variety of Canadian society, we had easy access to the Irish and Scottish brands, and a lot of Vancouverites fancy a glass of these old-timey traditional brands even today.

Best Brunch Places in Vancouver

Sometimes there is nothing better than staying in bed on Sunday morning until 10:00 or 11:00 and skipping breakfast (which we are too lazy to prepare anyway). Lunch happens to be a quick bite to eat, and dinner with family or friends might be quite a financial commitment. The solution? Brunch. Over the last few years, brunch has become very popular among Vancouverites, and it still feels like a special outing.

Top Chocolatiers in Vancouver

Gone are the days when chocolate was a mere confection. Over the years, the chocolate industry has developed so much that chocolatiers around the world take great pride in their creations, each using the best cocoa and best-quality ingredients. If people say that food is art, then chocolate is a masterpiece! If you want to taste some of Vancouver’s finest chocolates, you may just have to tour some of the city’s best chocolate shops with us!

Shaughnessy: Vancouver’s Good Address Photo Essay

Almost entirely a residential area, Shaughnessy is home to approximately 2,970 households spread over 447 hectares of land. Residents of Shaughnessy enjoy a good and central location; the lovely neighbourhood is the city’s geographic heart and its borders are 16th Avenue in the north, 41st Avenue in the south, Oak Street in the east, and Arbutus Street in the west.

10 Reasons to Love Vancouver

Finding ten reasons why Vancouver is an amazing city is harder than you’d think. As soon as you start listing them, you end up realizing that giving 100 reasons would still hardly be enough to describe all the loveable things about our city. Yet I gave it a try and came up with a list that tries to sum up the basic perks that helped to make Vancouver the third most liveable city in the world in 2012 according to EIU’s Global Livability Report.