Smartphone apps can be incredibly helpful tools for exploring the city — both for tourists and locals. In the summer, we tend to spend more time in the streets, enjoying the perks of Vancouver and the warm weather and simple pleasures like finding out about events, the nearest drinking fountain, and popular food vendors can really help you make the most of this time of the year. Check out our choice of the top smartphone apps focused on Vancouver!
Visit Vancouver App
Visit Vancouver App
Tourism Vancouver offers a free app that both tourists and locals can enjoy. It's a priceless tool that suggests major attractions and even takes you on a digital tour of the city. It's full of images to give you a taste of what to expect in real-life Vancouver. The app also lists of restaurants and hotels with detailed descriptions and offers handy, one-touch reservations. Plus, it keeps all users updated about the city’s most important events, so you never miss any fun in the city. Google Earth enthusiasts can also use a special “Footprint” feature — a special integrated tracking and recording function allows everyone to “footprint” pictures taken during a trip and replay them on Google Earth.
Available for iPhone, Blackberry and Android.
Vancouver Tap App
Vancouver Tap App
Vancouver Tap App is a must for hot summer days — any time you crave a sip of water, this app directs you straight to one of about 600 free water sources, where you can refill your bottle. The new tap app was designed under the patronage of the city and its tap water campaign. The project aims at reducing Vancouver residents' bottled water consumption by highlighting the many water fill-up stations in the area, including fountains and free taps in libraries, parks, and municipal buildings scattered around the city. The taps show as green points on the map, while the user’s location shows as a blue dot, making it easy to find the closest free water source. This app is a perfect opportunity to stop buying bottled water — and help save the environment and your money at the same time.
Available for iPhone.
Vancouver Street Food App
Vancouver Street Food App
The Vancouver food scene showcases in the new Vancouver Street Food App. The summer is certainly the best time to enjoy the free feeling of eating outdoors, right in the streets and parks. If you’re interested in going beyond the old-school hot dog vendors serving the famous Japa Dog, Vancouver Street Food App will update you about the ever-growing selection. It allows you to check out the opening hours, locations, and contact information of the best vendors and helps you find the nearest food cart. You can also check out the offer of these innovative restaurants on wheels, as they range from Italian through Tex-Mex to pan-Asian cuisine. The prices are usually very reasonable.
Available for iPhone.
Bard on the Beach App
Bard On the Beach App
Bard on the Beach is one of the major festivals that define the summer in Vancouver — everybody loves the ultimate theatre classics. Get even closer to the Shakespearean world thanks to the special app prepared by the organizers in cooperation with Creative B’stro. Thanks to the app, you can easily search for play synopses, learn about the cast through their bios, and find all the important venue and ticket information you need. Besides all the obvious features, the Bard on the Beach app has an incredibly fun section. You can test your knowledge of Shakespeare’s plays in the Name That Play mini game that generates quotes from the plays or entertain yourself with a special Shakespearean insult generator (You juggler! You tanker-blossom!). Who knows? You might use it someday!
Available for iPhone.
OnTheGoKids App
OnTheGoKids App
Our little ones love summer — no school, no homework, and lots of time to explore and play. However, it’s not always easy for parents to keep their kids entertained during the summer months. OnTheGoKids App might be a solution here. It was created by a mom from Vancouver, who came with the idea to help the parents in their search for kid- and family-friendly activities and events in Vancouver and around the Lower Mainland. The app really includes everything — fairs, festivals, concerts, music, theatre and dance performances, farmers markets, sports opportunities, and much more. The app divides all the events according to sub-categories such as location, cost, type, and date. You can search for kid-friendly areas close to you and use the map feature that even finds the best way for you to get to the events and share your choices with the community. Most of the information saves on your phone, and there are extensive bookmarking options, making it easy to find the activities even when you’re offline.
Available for iPhone.
Vancouver Parks App
Vancouver Park App
Vancouver Parks App is a free app provided by the Vancouver Park Board that features extensive information about all 200 city parks. Users can find the closest park to their location within seconds and have a look at its page, which provides a list of facilities and amenities in the park, information on opening times, park history, and any special events. The best feature of the app is that users can add their own pictures from the park, making it a lively tool that changes its content on a daily basis, with every new sunset and picnic photo. You can also bookmark your favourite parks, so that they appear in a separate list for quick access.
Available for iPhone.
iParks Navigator – Parks of Metro Vancouver
iParks Navigator App
iParks Navigator is similar to the Vancouver Parks App. Metro Vancouver created the app in cooperation with the Pacific Parklands Foundation. iParks Navigator enables you to explore Greater Vancouver’s 22 regional parks. Whether you’re interested in Aldergrove Lake, Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve, or Lynn Headwaters, this app will provide you with lots of useful information, including interactive maps with trails and facilities, pictures, event listings, and details about particular park features (including HD videos). A "what’s new" bulletin brings you updates on interesting news and highlights new developments in the parks. Again, there’s also a favourite list feature, enabling fast access to bookmarked parks. If you like spending time outdoors beyond the city, this app will surely become your new best friend.
Available for iPhone.
Are there any other must-have apps for the summertime in Vancouver that you know of? Let us know about your experience in comments.