Author Archives: Brenda Kinnear

Jay and Brenda’s Newsletter: July Idyll

“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.”
— Sam Keen

After a hot Spring and a damp June and early July we are ready to celebrate the arrival of sunshine and heat. A beautiful summer day in Vancouver is perfect. We recognize why so many people from all over the world want to come here to live or spend quality holiday time. The real estate news is the same old, same old. Prices are up, volume is up slightly in June. Real estate news gets lots of play in the local media.

May Musings

“The world’s favorite season is the spring.
All things seem possible in May.”
— Edwin Way Teale

Couldn’t resist this total encapsulation of our real estate market by Thomas Davidoff, director of the Centre for Urban Economics and Real Estate at the UBC Sauder School of Business as published in the Vancouver Sun: “Imagine a candidate for office saying “I promise to meddle in real estate markets and set taxes to hurt workers, businesses, and the environment.”

April Appreciation

“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
— William Shakespeare, Sonnet XCVIII

Hope you caught the new mantra “drive till you can afford it”. Garry Marr of the National Post commented on the strategy of house buyers in Vancouver and Toronto. It is so expensive in both cities that those who want the Canadian dream of a detached home are looking farther afield. The President of the Kitchener-Waterloo Association of Realtors says that buyers are driving to their affordable mortgage. They stop when they say “I can afford to live here”.

February Philosophy

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
— Mahatma Gandhi

Love is around us in February. It’s a good reminder of how to treat people and how we wish to be treated in return. There’s been lots in the news lately of how some in our profession have not been treating the public properly. Although it is not PC to say so, it seems clear that it is a small group whose business practices were learned in another culture and whose clients don’t expect anything better because they’re gaming the system too.

January Outlook

“My interest is in the future because I am hoping to spend the rest of my life there.”
— Charles Kettering

Hope that 2016 is looking good for you. We’ve been following CNBC stock and financial news so have had lots of confusion on how the New Year is looking to us. Hence the delay in checking in with the newsletter. The real estate action in Vancouver in December 2015 was more of the same…higher prices, bidding wars, lack of inventory.